1. Find a ReVeRs specialist near you.
Enter your zipcode here and we will match you with a number of ReVeRs specialists in your area.
2. Make an appointment with your local ReVeRs specialist and undergo an initial examination.
Understand the state of your body and your cells so your specialist can determine which ReVeRs products are best suited for you.
3. Activate the ReVeRs process with your own personal formula.
Once your ReVeRs specialist is done with your evaluation(s), you will receive a healing plan and formula that is uniquely designed for you and your body – down to the cellular level.
4. Receive your prescribed ReVeRs treatment in the mail.
Alongside your ReVeRs prescription, you will receive a code that you need to enter into the site in order to activate your order. Then your ReVeRs products will be mailed directly to you.
5. Follow your customized ReVeRs plan
Take items as directed. Keep up with our social media channels to continue to learn how to best address your needs. Use your platform to share your journey with others!
6. Finished? Return for re-evaluation.
When you finish your initial prescription, return to your ReVeRs specialist to measure the progress and impact your current formula is having on your body. Re-examine your body with the same tests you took in your initial evaluation and go over the results together with an expert to better understand the improvements ReVeRs is making in your body. This re-evaluation process is the key to our being able to continually improve upon and refine your treatment.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.